
Welcome to my links page! If you're familiar with personal websites, you should know what this is all about by now. If not, this is just a collection of links to things I think you should check out.

This will expand over time, I promise!

Link to me! buttonbutton But please don't hotlink ^_^

Table of Contents

  1. My Neocities Neighbours
  2. Webring
  3. Check these Out
  4. Sozai (web resource) Sites
  5. My Picopico Shrines

My Neocities Neighbours

People who I follow on Neocities that happen to follow me back! Check their websites out~ ^_^

webcatz acidicalchemist larvapuppy koinuko Brie Draws sakana valerievalentine moshball dreams of vinushka burial cloth humanfinny Toji's World pudoweb axefiend spondulio monsieurdoll caby littlevampire soapbubbleseal tophatcats tectrix hexhollows goooby vivianiltti

No button: PopRoks / COMPUTERGUTS / d-w-o-o-w-b / sniz / wrasse / droidgirl / clearglass / murumart


It's not really a "webring" but that's what it's called. This is my version of it.

MOUSELING Here's my banner, but no direct linking please!

GearToward 猫.移动 Uranus Midnight Enjoyer SCIO 0x19 unpop ty3r0x angelsaremathematical

Check These Out

Things to Watch

Worldbuilding Notes: a YouTube channel posting notes on worldbuilding, novels, and cultures. My favourite ever!

jan Misali: this channel is probably the reason I decided to pursue linguistics in the long run. sigh. Lots of good stuff here covering various topics though!

Xidnaf: Same as above, one of my big pushes that got me into linguistics when I was little. Alas.

Xidnaf's Secret Channel: i wonder what this could be...

Doremy: absolute GOD at both Puyo Puyo and Tetris. I'm so envious of his skill.

Things to Look At

My Pinterest: take a look at my awful awful sense of aesthetics and judge as you will

Angeler Photo Party: several galleries of people wearing Takuya Angel clothes. it's awesome.

Things To Read

Dan and Mab's Furry Adventure: a furry webcomic which I happen to adore

Sabrina Online: another furry webcomic about a cute Amiga-obsessed skunk girl

DIGITAL BISCUIT: Tokyo underground techno zine!

Ray's Life Blog: a modern gyaru blog^_^

Things to Listen To

moreru: a Japanese skramz+noise band who are very dear to my heart

Handaya Rave: Japanese nerdcore techno

Storm - Art of Sync: just a really good minimal techno album... good to listen to while working!

Places to Click Around

Ikigusare: a virtual idol group made up of three "deformed" anime girls

The Velvet Room: a Persona fansite from 1998

Takuya Angel: My favourite fashion designer has an extensive website. I find new things every time I browse it... it's actually crazy. He lives a unique lifestyle but in general he's great.

Roger's Jrock Page Roger's Jrock Page: a Russian J-rock (Visual Kei) fansite. last updated in 2013...

moreru: official site of moreru ^_^

Sushi Cat: Maneki Neko.

Sozai (web resource) Sites

Sozai-ya 405 A-pu-pu Fancy Parts Sozai-ya Angelo lapine agile alice home foollovers 1kb sozai chiple sorahana asterism mococo ooparts lsd-69 neo-himeism 9776xxx skywhat voiceless helium snao acrossplus iziz aaa 007 wisperer biyo kirakiraparts kana floverclover pixelgaro firstmoon whim yukari pomo oyabaka civillink mizutama littleeden

No button: Chocolate Sozai / RSAKMR / Andante

Other resource sites

Dither Me This: a tool for dithering images online. the result is always pretty cool. I used to abuse this back in the day to get teeny tiny pictures of Uyuni!

Patterns for Personal Web Sites: Know what to put on your site!

My Picopico Shrines

pinokiwo shinjuku gewalt Muchi Muchi Anago

No button: Ainori Technos / FLOPPY / Sandwich de 120 pun?