Welcome to my links page! If you're familiar with personal websites, you should know what this is all about by now. If not, this is just a collection of links to things I think you should check out.
This will expand over time, I promise!
Link to me! But please don't hotlink ^_^
Table of Contents
My Neocities Neighbours
People who I follow on Neocities that happen to follow me back! Check their websites out~ ^_^
No button: PopRoks / COMPUTERGUTS / d-w-o-o-w-b / sniz / wrasse / droidgirl / clearglass / murumart
It's not really a "webring" but that's what it's called. This is my version of it.
Here's my banner, but no direct linking please!
Check These Out
Things to Watch
Worldbuilding Notes: a YouTube channel posting notes on worldbuilding, novels, and cultures. My favourite ever!
jan Misali: this channel is probably the reason I decided to pursue linguistics in the long run. sigh. Lots of good stuff here covering various topics though!
Xidnaf: Same as above, one of my big pushes that got me into linguistics when I was little. Alas.
Xidnaf's Secret Channel: i wonder what this could be...
Doremy: absolute GOD at both Puyo Puyo and Tetris. I'm so envious of his skill.
Things to Look At
My Pinterest: take a look at my awful awful sense of aesthetics and judge as you will
Angeler Photo Party: several galleries of people wearing Takuya Angel clothes. it's awesome.
Things To Read
Dan and Mab's Furry Adventure: a furry webcomic which I happen to adore
Sabrina Online: another furry webcomic about a cute Amiga-obsessed skunk girl
DIGITAL BISCUIT: Tokyo underground techno zine!
Ray's Life Blog: a modern gyaru blog^_^
Things to Listen To
moreru: a Japanese skramz+noise band who are very dear to my heart
Handaya Rave: Japanese nerdcore techno
Storm - Art of Sync: just a really good minimal techno album... good to listen to while working!
Places to Click Around
Ikigusare: a virtual idol group made up of three "deformed" anime girls
The Velvet Room: a Persona fansite from 1998
Takuya Angel: My favourite fashion designer has an extensive website. I find new things every time I browse it... it's actually crazy. He lives a unique lifestyle but in general he's great.
Roger's Jrock Page: a Russian J-rock (Visual Kei) fansite. last updated in 2013...
moreru: official site of moreru ^_^
Sushi Cat: Maneki Neko.
Sozai (web resource) Sites
No button: Chocolate Sozai / RSAKMR / Andante
Other resource sites
Dither Me This: a tool for dithering images online. the result is always pretty cool. I used to abuse this back in the day to get teeny tiny pictures of Uyuni!
Patterns for Personal Web Sites: Know what to put on your site!
My Picopico Shrines
No button: Ainori Technos / FLOPPY / Sandwich de 120 pun?