Who am I?

Mousecky IRL
My photo.
Mousecky IRL
My other photo.

I go by Mousecky online, so please call me that. It's nice to meet you! I'm a vampire mouse living in Brisbane, Australia.

My main passion is music, especially Visual Kei, especially picopico. My favourite solo act is Pinokiwo, my favourite band is Shinjuku Gewalt, and if we only look at Western artists then my favourite band there is probably Depeche Mode.

My hobbies outside of that include drawing, assembling plastic model kits, messing with HTML and playing absurd amounts of Rhythm Heaven. You can also spot me failing at Puyo Puyo and Tetris, trying my hardest at Taiko no Tatsujin in the city (still no good), or at the local thrift stores praying they'll have something kind of cool for me to wear. Unfortunately my fashion sense is not good. I'm trying to better it.

I somewhat have an addiction to browsing Japanese Mercari for band merchandise and clothes. My favourite J-fashion brand is Takuya Angel. I don't have enough pieces to be considered a full-fledged Angeler, but I'm almost there!

I love tokusatsu (my favourite is Kamen Rider Ryuki). I also like to fursuit sometimes. I have a kig head of my fursona, Uriel, who I love very much.

I currently code this site using a nifty little Panasonic Let's Note CF-SZ6Z with 16GB of RAM, running Reunion7 for the cute factor. Super portable. She's really the best thing in my life.

Fun(?) facts...


You should do this too! It's fun! Here's a handy link! Please let me know if you do!

List of important things:

Contact me.

mouse@picopico.org or t.me/mousecky
My response times can be slow depending on how busy I am.
But let's all be friends...!

Done here?

Take me back home!!!

frames and background are supplied by Sozai-ya Angelo