my diary

Got pierced again~

Weather: Cloudy
Listening to: FOXYUN - Rotte-Rhythm in KODOCHA!
Tags: irl

Today I spent a long time in the city today after college, but I didn't really do much. I went to the arcade to play maimai or Taiko no Tatsujin, but both machines had nerds camping around them... on a Wednesday afternoon?! Are you guys serious??

I wish I could have waited around to play but I haven't played maimai in over 1.5 years. so I was too embarrassed at the idea of it... I don't even know what songs are on it to be honest. I just play whatever.

So I poked around the corner where they apparently have a hidden Japanese DDR machine... to match the already existing DDR machine out front? How was I not aware of this?! Unlike the newer machine (that has Mesmeriser on it for some reason?) I don't suck donkey balls at this one!

A surprise to nobody... I ended up with another piercing! Yay!

What's more: It's another eyebrow piercing! Yay!

It took a bit of waiting around but the guy there was really nice. He even made sure I got the same bar size and ball size as my others so my face looks all nice and matches up well! I'm so grateful!

I really really really like it but I should probably stop getting eyebrow piercings. When will I ever be satisfied...?

Me with four eyebrow piercings. The leftmost one has small balls compared to the others lol
I still haven't changed the ball on my first one... too lazy but don't I look so cute with the new piercing??

I wonder how long it will take my family to notice. I leave this for them to discover... hee hee.

Anyways, I went home after some shopping at Daiso

I mostly got stationery (blue including a clear pencil case, so cute~) and crayons (I don't own any and want to try them!) but I also found this neck cover thing for sports that should hopefully make kigging nicer too!

I really want to kig more just for fun... It was impossible to kig during summer. I'm preparing for the weather to cool down.

coz at the moment it's rainy and humid and hot and miserable. BRING THE COOL WEATHER BACK! I want to layer clothes again. I literally only just started wearing jeans again coz it's autumn now... sigh

I was so tired as soon as I got home. which was at like 7:30pm, which is late for my standards, coz I leave the house at like 7am always. can't do anything but write this stupid blog. I'm going to sleep early tonight...

see you next time~