my diary

I ate my own words

Weather: Rainy
Listening to: none
Tags: irl , complaining

The night I posted about how OK I am, another storm hit and it took our power out until just now.

My icon feels extra fitting now...

When the power had gone out before it had gone out for two seconds during the night before returning so I didn't think anything of it. It didn't return after a few hours of me wasting time and draining my phone and laptop batteries though... so I went to sleep expecting the power to be back by morning so I drained my phone battery until I felt tired... thinking nothing of it. sigh.

The power did not, in fact, come back by morning.

Things turned out OK, but I was going crazy running out of things to do, especially as things lost battery. My one saving grace was my aunt showing up with C cell batteries to power my boombox. I won't let anyone tell me collecting CDs is stupid ever again... it seriously saved me.

I couldn't even do anything outdoors because it was so stormy. and when I went out earlier today nothing was open due to the power outage. So what was I supposed to do...!?

I was living off of half-charged power banks and several day naps and a book that's formatted so stupidly that it's just frustrating to read I was DYING, you people!!!

The thing is that I can do just fine with no Internet. I have video games and CDs and a website to tend to (keep an offline backup, kids) and movies and shows in my videos folder to watch and all that sort of thing. But you will notice a common denominator here... electricity! I'm a useless mouse without it! I'm lucky just to have gotten the CD part!

Living so far away from the city means that the government has me on Low Priority. I hope I can complain to them for cash or something. sigh.

IN OTHER NEWS! Blog now has a comment section (edit like 3 seconds later: hated hated hated the comment box it's gone now) and extra stuffs. I was brewing it up in my mind while I had nothing to do LOL. Leave me a comment maybe~~~

I wanted to complain more but it just makes me look whiny and a bit stupid. So that's all for today...