
This is a page dedicated to my cosplays!

Unfortunately it's not very populated yet. I haven't cosplayed very much LOL.

I like to ramble about these things though, so hopefully this is still nice to go through...!

Table of Contents...

Ham no Hito

(from Muchi Muchi Anago)

Ham no Hito (AKA Uyuni from Pinokiwo) is a dancer in the band Muchi Muchi Anago. A fun guy and my favourite bandman, so this was inevitable.

The original...

These are bad photos, but I really don't have any better ones. (TT)

on Halloween 2024

This was my first cosplay since I was 13 years old. I know, it's been a long time... but I really want to get into cosing! Especially because you don't see Jrock cosplayers around (especially where I live) it's my duty to pick up the slack.

I really like Ham no Hito. He wrote a cosplay guide back in the day and I already had the shirt. For a rush cosplay because I wanted to do something for Halloween... I feel like it was a perfect choice!

My cosplay...

Again, my first cosplay since I was 13 years old. How embarrassing...

Not the best job. Cheap face paint, everything else including lipstick done with eyeliner that was running dry, wig cut at home (with a relative's assistance)... and the makeup was so cakey and gross up close lol

I also didn't have contacts at the time and I'm blind without my glasses (can't see 6 feet away!) so I wore my glasses. It's cute. Uyuni wears glasses anyways (but they're nothing like mine...)

I don't have tabi socks and don't feel like mutilating ones I already own so I actually wore black Ugg boots for comfort while I was out... LMAO

I feel like I looked like a girl too. But! I still felt cute and had fun loitering in the city! A good start! I guess.


I was bored and had negative balance in my bank account. I needed a way to entertain myself while I was in the city for college. sigh.

So, I rush cosplayed. My dot socks were in the wash but that's fine. I've seen him wearing striped socks in videos and stuff so I'm not to blame!

My cosplay...

Just to entertain myself lol... not for a con or anything so I didn't bother too bad. (^^") My college doesn't have many students so I wasn't afraid of being judged. I feel like I did better with the face line though.

Same cheap face paint and stuff but at least I bought black lipstick, although it doesn't look good on me out of cosplay lol. makes me look like a freak. the reality of being a guy who dabbles in makeup...

I still had fun, although I took my wig and makeup off before I went home. I was starting to sweat too bad (it's summer here).


(from Muchi Muchi Anago)

Kikaider is the vocalist of Muchi Muchi Anago (yes they sound Like That). He posts on Twitter like five trillion times a day and gets zero likes. such an idiot.

The original...

Also, Muchi Muchi Anago have an EMIGLIO robot, seen here:

...and I actually have one at home! Perfect!

Kaicon Brisbane 2025

Now, who would cosplay the vocalist of a Visual Kei band nobody in knows even in Japan, to a convention in Australia...? Me! I would.

I really liked his hat! And it looked simple to make myself, so I decided to take my chances... my aunt owns a sewing machine and is always willing to let me use it so that's great. Generic fabric for such a small project is always going to be relatively cheap.

Other than that, jeans aren't hard to get. I own several pairs anyway, go figure. Some sort of plaid-pattern pants would be better for his more recent look (and I used to own a red pair, but they were a bit too flashy, so I don't anymore...) but they aren't necessary. He's often seen wearing his own band merch, and guess who has one such shirt? Me! :-D

He's got this iconic orange and yellow jacket but ONE it's too hot for that right now (Australian summer kicks my ass) and TWO I don't have that level of sewing skill. He's seen without it anyways lol. Maybe next time.

My cosplay... it turns out, I had too much fun to take good photos. (>_>).

My aunt had taken "help me with this hat" to mean "make it for me" and only showed up the morning of to hand it over, so I didn't end up taking a mirror selfie...and then never had a good opportunity to!

My aunt told me she made the horns uneven on purpose. I didn't have the heart to tell her they shouldn't be uneven lol

I had fun and made friends at the con, so that's all that matters. Hooray! read my blog post about it here.


Characters and people I plan on cosplaying but haven't gotten around to yet.

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