- Name:
- Origin of name:
- Sex:
- Birthdate:
- Constellation:
- Blood type:
- In a past life I was:
- Lives in:
- Born in:
- Piercings:
- Occupation:
- Year level:
- Similar to:
- Height:
- Weight:
- Foot size:
- Hand size:
- Hobby:
- Special skill:
- Grip strength:
- Hairstyle:
- Catchphrase:
- Luxury items:
- Proud of:
- Qualifications:
- Phone:
- Type in men:
- Type in women:
- Fav. word:
- Fav. celebrity:
- Fav. food:
- Disliked food:
- Fav. drink:
- Disliked drink:
- Fav. subject:
- Disliked subject:
- Fav. show:
- Fav. movie:
- Fav. book:
- Fav. sport:
- Fav. music:
- Fav. brand:
- Fav. flower:
- Fav. game:
- My car:
- Future dream:
- Fav. animal:
- I spend my holidays:
- I respect:
- Most wanted:
- Want to go to:
- Want to do:
- Hangs out at:
- At karaoke I sing:
- First CD bought:
- Lately really into:
- Secretly into:
- If I was reborn:
- Needed for world peace:
- I want to stress:
- Doubts about: