

I made a bunch of new icons for future use on my blog link here
2 new artworks link here
New shrine, to the band moreru. link here
Added theme switcher + new blog post about my time at Kaicon...and my new laptop! link here
new blog post...thrift haul! link here
Plus added a webclap button to the home page.
New blog post + a few updates to the blog itself... link here
Slight style revamp. Updates moved.
New blog post! Everything is alright! link here
added blog post excerpt to home page
Slight links page update (table of contents! Wow!) + more new links~ ^_^ link here
redid about page link here
new blog post... link here
New blog post. link here
and a shiny new like button on my blog. link here
AND a weather widget for the sidebar...! link here
It's my birthday! new links. link here
And a new song of the month... link here
Changed the index to match the 404! link here
and a new "cosplays" page...! link here
new button and new links: link here
new layout. big changes under the hood. and two links to old japanese video game cliques: link here
new song of the month... and Pessy's homepage is open! link here
new outfits, that's all... I have things in the works, though. link here
A page dedicated to my PC desktop screenshots has been born... because I like changing things up a lot... link here
A new blog post!! I went out yesterday and it was lots of fun. There are photos. link here
Also, an outfits page overhaul, made with Melonking's gallery tool. It's not the prettiest right now but I'll work on that later. My outfit from yesterday is there :-) but the outfit breakdowns are gone. If you want such things, ask for them and I'll be glad to tell you! link here
And an overhauled cliques page + one new clique joined. link here
HUGE update behind the scenes! My blog is now powered by Jekyll. Also, the updates has moved to the homepage--the updates box will now only show the latest update. :-)
Happy New Year from LAZAR Mousecky!!! New song of the month. And a new outfit... link here
slight links update is all link here
Merry Christmas! new outfit posted link here
New additions to the homepage manga, plus the song of the month added
New blog post about the 2024 Brisbane Harajuku Fashion Meet. link here
Diary opened + blog post about my new piercing! link here
Website is up!
Mousegirl with clocks for ears
The current time is !

WELCOME! You've reached Mousecky's homepage. It must have been a long journey! Sit wherever you'd like!

This is V2 of the site first put up on the 9th of February 2025, with a GeGeGe no Kitaro themed layout~ my second-favourite manga ever.

This site is dedicated to my ramblings and personal opinions. unfortunately, since my work is split up between two websites, this one doesn't feel so populated (yet). Still, I'd like to make good work with this one!!

I'm a mouse on the Internet. My big passions are Visual Kei and making websites like this one... as well as 70s~80s anime and looking at pictures of rodents and other small animals. That's just my hobby!

This site is hosted on Neocities. Check out my site profile.

Website is always under construction... this is your warning. mouse powered

Latest Blog Post...


Toda fanboyishness

Weather: Cloudy
Listening to: ysano - 98.35percent
Tags: haul , vkei

I cannot exaggerate just how swimmingly things are going for me as a Toda fan maybe not in general, but as a Toda fan? My current life is great.

I arrived home from college yesterday tired and dizzy after a long afternoon-into-evening of playing Taiko no Tatsujin at the arcade (all my money gone...) and watching maimai sweats in awe. I discovered two packages waiting for me. Two? I had only been paying attention to one package, from the actual postal service, so I was surprised. I had various other things coming via courier but they weren't at the front of my mind lol. I was still excited coz one of them was the one I had been obsessively tracking...'s Toda related. Bet you didn't see that coming.


Song of the month!

Aural Vampire - PNFPN

So so so so sweet. I have many fond memories with this one! A cute track worthy of a thousand replays.

It's got some really cute lyrics and a really fun, upbeat tune. Gets stuck in my head often...! I was originally considering this to be the song for December, but that ADAPTER。 track got me in the end.

Check out the song of the month archive for past features.

Some favourite anime/manga...

You can hover over the images to stop the carousel and get the name!