my diary

A good day with a friend.

Weather: Rainy
Listening to: THE GALLO - ASTAROTH
Tags: irl , friends

I usually dread the days I go to college. It's not that I don't like it there (I love having a place to dedicate myself to, I love having something to do with my life, I love having routine) but I don't like just how much time it eats up outside of the actual college hours. Despite all of this, today was... very nice.

I woke up at 5AM (boo) and put on a nice all-black outfit (yay) and had to haul myself out of the house at 7AM (boo) and got to have a nice chai latte at a nice cafe (yay) and then had to haul myself up a ridiculously steep hill to get to college (boo)... but then I was there and it was a disturbingly calm day.

As I've gone on break from most services all of a sudden as well my phone in general (I'm genuinely very sorry to all my dear friends reading this but something happened and I need the time off; please E-mail me if you want to know) I've found it's actually really tough to fill my time. I don't have many hobbies in reality.

I draw but I need to make sure I have the time to pack my supplies up first, I try to put my thoughts to paper but if you've read literally anything on my blog you'll find I can't produce a single fluent sentence, I work on my website but I always find myself without inspiration, I listen to music but my iPod has two seconds of battery life and I don't have a Discman, I read but I haven't found a new book yet... I used to be able to play games but my 3DS is gone, my Vita broke, and I don't like gaming on my computer aside from Puyo Puyo and lately Balatro.

However, it's been very very very good for my sleep despite it only being a couple of days. With nothing to do there's no other choice to sleep, which is lovely when your goal is to wake up at five every day.

Back to today specifically, I also forgot to bring my laptop charger with me to college. D'oh. So I really had to buckle down on my work because I didn't have much else to do...

...but really, all day turned out to be lovely. It's shocking. I spent over half my day speaking with younger students and playing Uno. I ended up telling a convincing lie that really paid off lol. I also got bored and folded origami because there's always origami paper lying around for some reason. I showed a friend my favourite place for lunch too and he loved it which I'm glad for.

After college was over and done with I ended up dragging that friend with me to the mall since we had already spent a considerable amount of time together today when we should have been studying. We went to the arcade... and for once? NO GAY NERDS HOGGING MAIMAI! So I got to become the gay nerd I speak so lowly of!

He told me he doesn't do well with rhythm games but he loved it. I hadn't played in over a year so I was happy with getting just one S score on Advanced rank (I know, my skill is pitiful) but I already forgot the song coz we were just picking random stuff... I noticed after the fact that you can buy one of the ID cards at the counter at this place so I should maybe do that... next time... ha ha. Anyway, that friend even told me we should go back to play more after our four songs were done and two guys started camping us. Obviously I agree with this proposition.

He kept comparing my outfit to a priest. I really don't see it. Is it the esoteric symbols and loose fit on the shirt...??? I don't get it!

I took this photo at 6AM, in my backyard because that's the only spot with adequate lighting at that time and in this weather... LOL

We went to Daiso next. He wanted nail polish (not sold there) and I wanted brown eyeliner (too expensive). I still bought stickers... circus animals, so cute! We went to the chemist right after for both our desired items, he got what he wanted but I still found their eyeliner too expensive I'm too much of a cheapskate

So we left the mall for a moment to go to CEX to check for stuff but the DS games he wanted were way too expensive and so was the PS2 I was interested in so we left immediately. ha ha.

That led us back to the mall because JB Hi-Fi was too bright for this afternoon... and stopped at the record store. If you live in Brisbane and haven't gone to Rocking Horse yet I don't know what you're doing with your life. I wanted Depeche Mode CDs (bad selection) and he wanted MSI (out of stock) but I did pick up a DEVO shirt I think would be cute with my Takuya Angel hakama shorts as stupid as that is (...yes, really...) and a Sex Pistols badge. The old guy at the counter asked if I'm seeing them (I am!) and complimented my bangya trunk. Awesome.

...I just wish I had more to do on the go. I drafted this blog post up at the train station because once I'm out of people and activities I become lethargic and bored. There's nothing wrong with a little boredom but it took me two hours to get home and I was having withdrawals already lol

...but that's all. I should go to sleep soon